Categories of Guest

CategoryEligibilityAuthorityPayment Mode
Cat ‘A’Guest invited by the institute for academic, administrative work and for campus interviewDirector/ Deputy Director / Registrar / Dean / HODInstitute
Cat ‘B’Guest / Individual visiting Institute in connection with scheme, project /Consultancy/ short term courses, seminars & conference etc.Dean R & D / PICBy R & D through project / respective Coordinator.
Cat ‘C’Employee, Student’s parents/ Guardians and Alumni Guest from other Academics Institutes offered accommodation on reciprocal basisFaculty / OfficerBy the individual before checking out. If charges are not paid by the guest then person making the booking is required to clear the bill.
Cat ‘D’Guest not covered under above categoriesFor individual –PIC GH and for block booking through Institute administrationBy the individual –if charges are not paid by the guest then the person recommending is required to clear the bill
  • Priority for accommodation will be accorded to guest covered under Cat A and Cat B.
  • Normally a booking in the GH can be made for a period of 3 days this can be extended up to a maximum period of 7 Days and beyond that with the approval of the competent.
Type of AccommodationCat. A/B/C (INR)Cat. D (INR)
Single Deluxe8001600
Double Deluxe12002400
Dining Room500010000
Meeting Room10002000